If you want to know the secrets of succeeding as your own boss and turning your back on the corporate rat race for good, look no further than ‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’ the new e-book from best-selling business author Tony Robinson OBE.

‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’ is classic comedy, biting satire and a really practical, useful guide to being your own boss. ‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’ shows you how to gain the bare enterprise-ready essentials in order to successfully start your own small or home business.
It is an updated, new, e-book and exclusive version of Tony’s popular best-selling book 'Stripping for Freedom’.
Global entrepreneur and CEO of major cloud software multi-national, WinWeb, Stefan Topfer, says it is 'The funniest hard-hitting business book, which is absolutely full of business truth'
The humorous narrative is based on the book's mythical author, Canadian fashionista, Leonora Soculitherz, conducting a piece of investigative journalism on what it takes to be your own boss in the UK
Soculitherz is pronounced ‘So-cool-it-hurts’. Soculitherz is now known by a single celebrity name like BeyoncĂ©, Rihanna, Cher, Madonna and Batman.
Soculitherz discovers just what it really takes to prepare for and start your own business, Soculitherz also has in her sights the UK's fat cats, corporate clowns and insane politicians. Conspiracy theories abound. Through her investigation Soculitherz provides valuable business insights for anyone interested in being more enterprising.
The handy and practical e-book format means that book also includes a range of links to Tony’s favourite websites and resources for anyone looking for help when starting a business.
‘I love it that an exclusively e-book format means the content is presented in the most reader friendly way to enjoy and learn from, via Kindles, i-pads and other devices. I hope that it becomes a fun, must-read for everyone in a job, or interested in being more enterprising, to take on holiday.” explains Tony.
Tony is widely known in the UK as the 'MicroBizMatters Champion'. He has been promoting enterprise for nearly thirty years and has written seven books on the subject. He received the OBE for services to small firms and training in 2001 and received the IAB Lifetime Achievement Award for Enterprise at the House of Commons in 2012.
Tony is also the co-founder, with Tina Boden, of a massive, global self-help Community Interest Company, of micro enterprise owners, called the Enterprise Rockers. Tony cites the paperback, earlier version of ‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’ as the catalyst for the creation of Enterprise Rockers, as Tina was buying a copy of the book at the International Enterprise Promotion Convention.
Tony explains,
“Two years later we launched the Enterprise Rockers self- help global community of micro enterprise owners. This was, partly, out of our frustration with the poor level of recognition and support that exists in many countries for this major contributor to the economy, employment, innovation and community.”
Tony dedicates all his time to making life for micro-business owners (those with less than 10 employees) better through the free to join , network of networks, Enterprise Rockers Community. Tony is a regular commentator on enterprise policy, products and services. As a writer and professional, keynote speaker he aims to inspire all with his passion for micro-enterprise – 95% of all UK businesses. He helps large organisations engage with business owners and he explains what it takes for those wanting to escape the rat race to not only start up as micro-business owners, but, as importantly, continue to survive and thrive.
“’Freedom from Bosses Forever’ is the perfect easy and fun read for anyone considering starting their own business as well as those just interested in proven, own- business truths. All the learning from my own, and thousands of others I’ve observed, thirty years in enterprise has gone into these 180 pages. This is proven to help others avoid some of the common pitfalls and earn a living as their own boss for the rest of their life,” says Tony.
‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’ is priced around £3, including VAT, and is available for all devices through either Amazon/Kindle or distributed through Smashwords. Tony’s website http://TonyRobinsonOBE.com links to Amazon and Smashwords and also has lots of free information on how to be your own boss and all the facts and stats on micro-businesses in the UK.
1) For a Free Review E-Book
Please contact Jo Harrison at jo@writersblockadminservices.co.uk Jo can also provide the photograph above and cover shot for ‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’.
2) Press Enquiries
For press enquiries, review copies or images on Tony Robinson OBE or the Enterprise Rockers please contact the Press Team on 01603 743 363 or email Victoria@mediajems.co.uk
3) Reviews for ‘Freedom from Bosses Forever’
“I've discovered a rare treat”
A business book that's valuable and very funny too. When is the last time you read a business book that made you laugh out loud? Every month there seems to be scores of new books about different aspects of business. But many of them seem to cover the same old ground. Very few focus on the special issues relating to running a business from home. And very, very few have ever made me laugh. This is an exception to the rule. Written by the Canadian 'writer, broadcaster and celebrity' Leonora Soculitherz (no, I hadn't heard of her either), the book revolves around the basic principle that your business should be based on offering whatever you have got that is wanted by people with money. Even if that means you end up as a lap dancer (though doing that at home is unlikely to generate much revenue, I suspect!). Written in a fun, bold style it is peppered with 'Leonorisms' - 'Leave your old company style behind you. You are now your own brand, so dress to impress' - and other advice. When talking about 'Dealing with Regulations', for example, she advises that you should 'be generally aware of the regulations around your own enterprise, but don't fall into the trap of trying to comply with it all. Comply only when you have to. Get this wrong and you'll find you're legal but bust, because you had no time or money left to start and run your business'. Dave Sumner-Smith is the former programme director of the Home Business Network and Telegraph Business Club..
‘Can I sue for emotional stress?’
OK Tony I am most displeased with you and Clare - you shouldn't have written such a funny book. Picture the scene - we are taking a family break down in Brighton and I have found a good deal at The Grand Hotel (swanky or what) One afternoon it is raining so I decide to have tea and a nice read in the lounge. I stupidly took 'Stripping for Freedom' (the forerunner of Freedom from Bosses Forever) with me and firstly had raised eyebrows from the waiter. Secondly and worst - I started laughing aloud so hard that it came out as a snort - v. embarrassing - other guests lowered their copies of the Telegraph and Wisden to look disapprovingly at me! Seriously it is so funny Tony. Have got to go and cut down my thick tights now - thank Leonora for the tip - us good Indian girls don' t like to waste money! Eva Davies, Owner/Director, The Electric Zone Online retailer selling luxury electronics, intelligent gadgets and contemporary furniture
‘Laughing Out Loud’
I'm really enjoying reading this (indeed my snort of laughter woke up a few sleeping travellers on a Brighton to Victoria train when I read the part about looking good being simply a matter of how well you tuck in your bits!) Julie Stanford is a designer, radio presenter, President of Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce and designed and published ‘The Essential Business Guide’.
'The funniest hard-hitting business book, that is absolutely full of business truth'
Soculitherz has written books before, but this one is, in my opinion, the best she has ever written for anyone who wants to take control of their own destiny by going it alone. At the same time this is the funniest hard-hitting business book, which is absolutely full of business truth, I have ever read. Some have called this book whacky and I can agree with that to some extent. Why else would I now deny to sitting here in winter at my home desk with my fleece on? Heck I would even deny owning a fleece. Confused? Fasten your seat belt and read the book and find out why Zsa Zsa Gabor, ....wanted a man who ‘only has to be kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a multi millionaire?’ Find out why this book is not only for women and why it is so relevant for you and your entrepreneurial endeavours. Leonora, with the help of her underwhelming helper Tony Robinson OBE, cuts through the chase, tells it how it is and then delivers the distilled business truth in a fashion that entertains as much as it is relevant. This book paints a picture of brutally honest business acumen and asks you how much you really want it and by getting you to strip your ambitions bare in the process of reading, this book leaves you in no doubt on who has to make it happen You! If you plan to read one book this holiday season, make it this one. You will by mightily entertained with humorous insights, exposed yet practical business knowledge whilst being delighted and amused with the double meaning of words. I guess as you can tell, I loved this book, ..... just don t tell her about the fleece - you must promise. Stefan Topfer is a global entrepreneur and CEO of a global business –WinWeb - providing cloud software, apps and web services. He is the Owner and Editor of the number one ranked The Small Business Blog.