Don’t Be Deceived: The Definitive Book on Detecting Deception
Mark McClish
The Marpa Group
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Truth or Lies? Now You Can Tell.
Don’t Be Deceived: The Definitive Book on Detecting Deception is the only book
on the market that discusses the three ways to determine if someone is lying.
The opportunities to lie – and/or to be fooled by lies – are endless. Think of a ten-year-old hoping to avoid getting into trouble for taking the last cookie from the cookie jar. Think of a job applicant who is overstating his qualifications. Think of a spouse hoping to avoid trouble for an unsavory behavior. Think of a criminal suspect who is on trial.
It is in our collective best interests to be able to detect when we are being lied to, but how exactly do we go about doing this? While the polygraph is a very useful tool for law enforcement, it is not practical for everyday use. Fortunately, there are three ways to determine if someone is lying without the use of a machine. In his new book Don’t Be Deceived: The Definitive Book on Detecting Deception, retired Deputy United States Marshal Mark McClish brings these three methods together for the first time in one book.
The first method for determining if someone is lying involves analyzing a person’s words. McClish, an expert at detecting deception, comments, “People’s words will betray them, but only if someone is listening. It’s difficult to be a good liar because the truth will slip out.” In Don’t Be Deceived, McClish demonstrates how to analyze word choices, verb tenses, and pronouns to determine a speaker’s honesty. He also offers numerous real-world examples ranging from the Casey Anthony case to the Monica Lewinsky scandal involving former president Bill Clinton to show how deceptive language is used.
The second method for detecting deception analyzes common non-verbal gestures. McClish explains that when a person knowingly tells a lie, it creates a degree of stress which usually surfaces in the form of a body movement. Most often, these stress-related movements involve the hands, eyes, and legs. Simply put, if you know what cues to look for you can detect deception.
The third method for detecting deception analyzes written statements. Crossed out words, the break-down of the story being told, and even how punctuation is used can reveal evidence of deception. Again, McClish uses examples drawn from real life to explain his techniques. Part and parcel with this technique is handwriting analysis which takes a close look at how letters are formed, how much pressure is used, and how lines of writing are sloped.
Together, these methods offer numerous opportunities for an interviewer – be it a parent, a spouse, a boss, or a law enforcement official – to detect deception. The bottom line, says McClish, is that if individuals are being deceptive, their words, actions, or writing style will betray them.
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Author: Mark McClish is a retired Deputy United States Marshal who taught interviewing techniques for nine years at the U.S. Marshals Service Training Academy. During this time, he studied deceptive language and created his Statement Analysis® techniques for detecting deception in verbal and written statements. He currently conducts seminars and speaks at conferences on how to tell if someone is lying. He is the author of a previous book, I Know You Are Lying and operates the website
Contact: Mark McClish
P.O. Box 2090, Winterville, NC 28590
252-364-5375 (phone); 252-353-8584 (fax)
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